Here here, Mr. Morton. I can't get over it either
jackiejaeger, I do not believe that we should get over it.
The demolition of the Adelphi Theater was not only a tragedy that destroyed culture, history and architectural beauty in Rogers Park.
Alderman Joe Moore's blind support of the demolition shows his lack of screening and research of developers who are altering our community. This particular developer has a long history of foreclosures and unfinished projects.
These misinformed decisions have created a pattern of unsecure demolition sites throughout our neighborhood.
Developer donations of thousands of dollars to the Citizens for Joe Moore organization only fuels this real issue.
Getting over it allows career politicians like Joe Moore to keep getting re-elected year after year. He banks on the general public being unconcerned or complacent about earlier issues by election day, which allows this behavior to continue for an extended four years.
Read more here: Adelphi Theater Update
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That property was foreclosed upon some time back, Bill. But who is responsible for keeping that area secure?
In viewing your video again, I saw the poorly-constructed fencing, the holes to get in, etc. I'll try to find out who is responsible.
Where once a wonderful specimen of1920s' architecture stood, that COULD HAVE BEEN SAVED, the FASCIST OF THE 49TH WARD gives us a miserable, DANGEROUS, HOLE IN THE GROUND!
Joe Moore must be brought to task on this. If he'd take his blinders off, he would see the TREMENDOUS element of danger to the children of the 49th Ward.
And if he can't see it, he should just RESIGN, NOW! Do it, Joe, or are you just too busy counting your money?
Joe Moore once said that there aren't going to be any more tear downs until he takes stock of all the holes in the ground left by his campaign donors. If JO MO is really changing zoning ordinances, or implementing "Pay To Play” tactics, to campaign contributers who are only out for greed and not for the fine citizens of Rogers Park, then isn't that almost as bad as selling a senate seat?
Sure seems like it to me! Only iit is JUST as bad as what Blago alledgedly tried to do, but Bill Morton has experienced the Joe Moore "Pay-to-Play" scheme regarding the Adelphi Theater several years back.
Dirty, dirty, dirty Joe Moore!
I visited Alderman Joe Moore for advice and support to save the Adelphi Theater, but he would not assist without a campaign contribution.
I met with Alderman Joe Moore a total of 34 times about saving and re-opening the Adelphi Theater, but every time he held his hand out and said "Put your money on the table.", and "Do you have anything for me this time?"
I met with Alderman Joe Moore at his Jarvis/Greenview storefront office, his City Hall office, City Council Chambers, behind City Council Chambers and at several community meetings about the Adelphi Theater.
I presented Alderman Joe Moore with a petition opposing the rezoning that included nearly 10,000 signatures with no result.
The Adelphi Theater was then sold to Golden Hands Construction with the intent to demolish the theater and construct a large condo complex.
Golden Hands Construction had difficulty with zoning, so they contributed money to Citizens for Joe Moore, in exchange for a rezoning of the 7070-78 N. Clark Street property.
Alderman Joe Moore then expedited the rezoning of 7070-78 N. Clark Street, allowing for bulldozers and a wrecking ball to demolish the Adelphi Theater.
Shortly after the demolition of the Adelphi Theater, Chad Zuric (owner of Golden Hands Construction) depleted his funding and went into bankruptcy. He then dissolved Golden Hands Construction, and left the Rogers Park community with an eyesore hole in the ground.
Today, three years later, the site of the former Adelphi Theater is a dangerous hole where Clark Street gangs and prostitutes gather.
We need this guy out, and I think organizing will get us there! West Rogers Park is having its North Side Alliance meeting. This would include East Rogers Park as well. Or anyone from East Rogers can make their own chapter of the NSA.
Place: Christ Church of Chicago 6047 N. Rockwell Ave. (corner of Glenlake and Rockwell)
Date: Wednesday, January 21st 2009
Time: 7:00 PM
For more information call Emily at 773-583-1387 or visit our website at: northsidealliance.com
Call me if ya need transpo!
And here is an interesting website I might add.
Who is responsible for keeping that area secure?
That's a great question.
Since Chad Zuric wen't into bankruptcy, does that mean that his former bank owns the property?
We have to continue following the money trail.
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