Today in Rogers Park is a series to inform our community of relevant daily events, including the arts, entertainment, presentations and community meetings. - Bill Morton
Jimmy Bennington Colour & Sound at The Lighthouse
7301 N. Sheridan Road Chicago, IL. 60626
I like your youtube videos on graffitti. The Fargo El viaduct looks much better now and the Citgo station is now Shell.
How about doing more youtube videos? I like your youtube videos especially with the EL viaduct. Very nice ambient city noise while contemplating horrible graffiti that needs to be wiped out and has been thankfully.
The New Rogers Park Writing Group
**🖎** *You are invited to participate in . . .* ## The New Rogers Park
Writing Group *. . . a community-based writing and publishing workshop*
**🖎** **Do...
The New Rogers Park Writing Group
**🖎** *You are invited to participate in . . .* ## The New Rogers Park
Writing Group *. . . a community-based writing and publishing workshop*
**🖎** **Do...
Can you help?
(Also, interviewing for a 'full-time' employee)
Attention RP neighbors....
Hi Kitty Kitty, the Rogers Park, no kill cat shelter/sanctuary, ...
View of the back of Mision Cristiana Elim
I'm continuing my series looking into some of the areas of the
neighborhood that were never really meant to be on display. You can't do
much better than ...
Has it really been six years since I posted anything on this blog? last post here was in 2012, just before my mother's passing, and
that of my brot...
If you're looking to move to an affordable and community-oriented housing
option in Rogers Park, consider our coop. We have 1, 2 and 3 bedroom un...
Clarke’s opens at Loyola
By Jake Mazanke There’s another new dining option at Loyola University
Chicago’s Lake Shore Campus, as Clarke’s Diner recently opened. Clarke’s
had its gr...
A Triumvirate of Chinese Crested Dogs
My beloved little mutt is always delighted to meet dogs that are her own
size or smaller. She likes to be reassured that she's not the smallest dog
in R...
4 October 2015: The 800th and Final Post
This little white dog on a windy day bids you a fond farewell
Well, dear readers, after three years and eight hundred posts, i think the
time has come to...
Anna and Diamond | A Tutor Story
When Anna and Diamond started working together six years ago, Anna devised
a simple but effective tool for motivating Diamond: stickers.
“She *loved *stic...
*A History of the “7331 N. Sheridan Road” Mansion (the “Shambala Meditation
Center”) *
*By Susan Olin*
The mansion at 7331 N. Sheridan (currently the Sha...
Know thy neighbor: Smith & Edwards
We’re pleased to introduce this month’s neighbors in our Know Thy Neighbor
Series: Mike Smith and Jeff Edwards, a.k.a. Smith & Edwards. Mike plays
guitar i...
Musical Quotes
Throughout the ages, iconic figures of all kinds have shared with us with
their thoughts and feelings about music. After reading just a few of the
quotes ...
I MOVED- Follow me on ChicagoNow!
Follow my Rogers Park adventures at “In the Know in RoPo’s” new location on
Cease Fire Walk Today at 2pm
Cease Fire is having a peace walk today at 2pm. Meet up is at the corner of
Jonquil and Paulina and will proceed south to Clark and Touhy. In case
anyone h...
Moore Leaving?
Back on Nov 12 I received an email that originated with Evanston aldermen
reporting our Alderman was selected as the Director of the Illinois EPA,
subject ...
September 2011 Monthly Meeting
Community members, please join us to discuss our group initiatives.
The meeting will be held at
7:00 pm Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2011
7716 N. Paulins #1N
The f...
The Tomato Plant that was Left for Us
I’ve begun to appreciate the little things. However all that I am left to
nurture, for now, is a small tomato plant. It was a gift from him for
Mother's ...
Sunday, Oct. 31st: Halloween in Rogers Park!
When: Sunday, October 31st, 4-8pm
Where: Jarvis Square (Jarvis and Greenview)
Come celebrate Halloween in Jarvis Square with the Rogers Park Parents
North Coast Music Festival
Helloooo lovely listeners!
Hopefully you've heard our PSAs announcing the North Coast Music Festival
for this upcoming Labor Day weekend. No you say? Wha...
Third Annual RPGG Garden Meander
"Come join the RPGG and explore special single family and multi-unit
gardens east of Sheridan, ending with a tour of new and old gardens on the
Loyola ca...
A new year with old problems
I woke up this morning with the intentions of setting the year right. I
would tackle a mountain of laundry in preparation of my maiden voyage back
to the g...
O.K. I know no one is ever going to read this and I know this is all for my
own edification and self pitying suffocation so here's a little ditty I
just th...
A Trip to the Other Side of Town
Field TripToday we drove south to Promontory Point. It's past the loop in
that far away land known as the "south side." Great news, the skyline is
just as ...
Rogers Park
*Walk and Vigil Tonight*
*Friends & Neighbors,Please note the two events below.Join Cease Fire,
Organization of the NorthEastand Rogers Park nei...
Good Morning Rogers Park
*Inside the Review*
*O.N.E Vigil Tonight*
*Downtown Immigration Rally Today **click here *
*Watered Down Trans Fat Law **click here*
Ahead of the Decision Tomorrow
*Steele Drops Bid for Stroger Seat, Activist Files Lawsuit*
*Cook County Commissioner Bobbie Steele on Monday withdrew her name from
consideration for Coun...
I like your youtube videos on graffitti. The Fargo El viaduct looks much better now and the Citgo station is now Shell.
How about doing more youtube videos? I like your youtube videos especially with the EL viaduct. Very nice ambient city noise while contemplating horrible graffiti that needs to be wiped out and has been thankfully.
I love photographing and videographing Rogers Park. I never stopped, just need to upload my most recent videos.
You will see the new ones within the next few days.
Thank you for watching!
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