Friday, March 1, 2013

Sam Leone Pier on ice

... and as beautiful as old Sam Leone Pier is in the winter, I've added a few videos from the Summer to warm everyone up a bit.



  1. Okay Bill now those are some NICE pictures. Good Job.

  2. And thanks for adding me onto your site! :)

  3. It's my pleasure to add Chevanston Rogers Park to my blogroll. I appreciate the positive RP1000 and Rogers Park Chamber of Commerce articles. Your mention of my Dad's photography business was very cool too!

    On another note, I just added some Summertime Sam Leone Pier videos including my underwater exploration of the pier.

  4. Hey Bill I didn't know that was your dad's business. He takes nice photos. So then you are Bill Morton Jr?

  5. No, I'm not a Jr ... different middle name.

    He takes shot great shots, and I really enjoy doing photography with him.

    Here are a few more links to his work:


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