Thursday, January 8, 2009

So long Amphora

As of December 31st 2008, restaurant, and (Dev Corp North member), Amphora closed it's doors for the final time.

Kinda reminds us of the closing of Cafe Suron, restaurant, and (Dev Corp North member).

Replacing Amphora will be a bar and grill (future Dev Corp North member).

Do you see a pattern here?


  1. It certainly seems that DevCorpNorth doesn't do much to help its members--just charge high membership and advertising fees, so they can all go party with Joe at Heartland Cafe every now and then!

  2. I know a few other businesses in town that are disappointed with DevCorps non-action.

    I could go on and on with lists of:

    former DevCorp members that are
    no longer in business

    former DevCorp members that have dropped DevCorp

    former DevCorp members that moved away from Rogers Park

    etc, etc, etc.

    I've been watching DevCorp North ever since they incorporated.

  3. From the mid '80's thru the mid '90's there was an incredible Caribbean restaurant on Howard Street, next to the Caribbean American Bakery, which consistently got rave reviews from the Chicago restaurant 'critics', Dominick Dallas, that suddenly went out of business. When I questioned the DevCorp staff as to what happened, they, DevCorp, didn't even know the place was closed and that the owner/chef had gone back to the Caribbean. These were people who might have succeeded if they had had the support they needed from the business development organization charged with assisting 'business development' for the neighborhood! It was one of many businesses that shut down and fled due to the deteriorating economic base NoH. Some things never change!

  4. P.S.
    Dominick Dallas was a member of DevCorp!

  5. I have to say one thing about Amphora though,

    I did enjoy their food and mixed drinks.

    Probably went there about thirty times while they were open.

  6. Just found a this message on the the Amphora website:

    "After 33 years of serving Chicago Amphora is closing.

    We would like to thank all of our past and present patrons.

    Thank you for all the support and good times we had.

    Look for a new restaurant coming in the future

    Take care and God Bless".


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Now that we got through all of that!

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