Saturday, October 11, 2008


Pumpkins need light to grow. George's pumpkins are mighty fine this year. Although his Pumpkin Patch at 7313-15 N. Sheridan Road has been OPEN for two weeks now, George is feeling a little in the dark.

You see, pumpkins also need light to be SOLD, and George has none of that. Oh, he wants it, alright, but his boss may have initiated some sort of misunderstanding with ComEd, who has not yet sent out someone to connect the power. Nor has the boss brought the promised "Pumpkins For Sale" signs.

Kris Luck, owner of Quest Network Services right next door provided some small, printed signs and a ceramic pumpkin which holds a lit candle. But George needs light, or his Halloween season will be a bust!

He opens early and stays open until after sunset, so try and get there soon!

1 comment:

  1. Update:

    10/13/2008 7pm, ComEd is finally hooking up electricity for George.


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Now that we got through all of that!

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