Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Fundraiser for Family of Tsering Dorjee

Tsering Dorjee, Vice President of the Rogers Park Chamber of Commerce was struck and killed by a hit and run driver along Devon Avenue on Nov. 12th. He was a family man, the bread-winner who, is survived by his wife and three children.

The Rogers Park Chamber of Commerce is hoping to raise $2,000.00 in total to assist Tsering Dorjee's family.

"Please join us at Leona's on Wednesday November 28th, 2012 from 6-9pm. We will be visible when you walk in. Cash or checks made payable to the "Tsering Dorjee Memorial Fund" will be accepted". - RPCC

There will be light snacks and casual conversation in memory of Tsering Dorjee.

Come out, order some food, and donate what you can!

6935 North Sheridan Road 

Chicago IL 60626


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving everyone! What are you most thankful for?


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Bettering our community with our Votes

I Voted Bill Morton, registered voter in the 49th Ward

It is important to be a registered voter and vote in every election.

Voting is a way to speak your mind and let your voice be heard!

Your vote is your voice.

When we vote, we are actually telling elected officials and lawmakers how we feel about education, public safety, social security, health care, and other important issues.

 •One voice, one vote really does count!

Remember: there is power in numbers, and when we vote and get our family members to vote, we can truly make a difference. If you don’t vote for what you believe in, others will – and you may not like the outcome.

Because our children can’t vote, we have to do it for them.

Our children are depending on us to represent their voices too! When we vote, we are looking out for our kids, and their futures.

Voting changes communities!

That’s how we make our concerns about schools, safety, housing, and other issues heard.

Because your activism, including in reforming the system, will be more powerful if you have voted.

Because your monitoring of the fairness of the election must begin with voting in it.


Friday, November 2, 2012

Alderman Joe Moore Political / Campaign Contribution Information

Since my recent article Better Government Association report on Tawani Enterprises Incorporated on Rogers Park in 1,000 Words, I got a lot of feedback including requests for a complete list of Alderman Joe Moore's Political / Campaign Contributions.

source: Better Government Association report on Tawani Enterprises Incorporated: http://www.rp1000.blogspot.com/2013/10/better-government-association-report-on.html

"Sheet 1" is all contributions to date going back to 1999.
"Sheet 2" is all Pritzker related contributions to Alderman Joe Moore.

Sheet 2 is unique because it extracts those Pritzker related companies which are not obvious on the Illinois Board of Elections site. I know these corporations/llcs and organizations are associated with Jennifer Pritzker/Tawani Enterprises/Rogers Park Solutions llc/Rogers Park Vintage Management etc due to my gathering of data through the Secretary of State's office for earlier article here: http://www.rp1000.blogspot.com/2013/10/better-government-association-report-on.html

All of this data is available for download for any candidate on the Illinois Board of Elections site, so I should note that this is where the following information is from.


A companion to this report is the Campaign Financing Ordinance that was in effect through October 31, 2012. You can download/review this .pdf here: http://www.cityofchicago.org/content/dam/city/depts/ethics/general/Ordinances/CFO2010.pdf

An additional resource includes an overview of the City's prohibitions and limitations regarding political contributions. This is available on the City of Chicago site here: http://www.cityofchicago.org/city/en/depts/ethics/supp_info/camp_contributors.html

For information on how the Board of Ethics interprets the City's prohibitions and limitations regarding political contributions: http://www.cityofchicago.org/content/dam/city/depts/ethics/general/AO_CampFinanacing/13044.A.pdf

Sheet 1 - Alderman Joe Moore's Political / Campaign Contribution Information
Sheet 2 - Pritzker related contributions to Alderman Joe Moore's Political / Campaign
